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middle term 【邏輯學】中名詞;【數學】中項。

middle tooth

Oxbridge college attaches great importance to international exchange and cooperation , and has signed several international cooperation agreements with higher education institutions of foreign countries , such as cooperation agreement on students short - term exchange program with university of massachusetts boston ( umass ) , cooperation memorandum of short and middling terms associated cultivation with michigan state university 學院非常注重與國際教育機構的聯系與合作,簽訂了一批對外合作辦學協議,與美國波士頓麻省大學簽署了學生短期訪問合作協議,與密治根州立大學簽訂了短期、中期聯合培養合作備忘錄。

However , after the middle term of the 1990 ' s , china ' s textile industry came into a difficult period , it began to fall under the puzzlement of a series of problems : overmuch production lasting decline of profit ability of state - owned enterprises , lasting loss of industry 但是從上世紀九十年代中期后,我國紡織業就步入異常嚴峻的困難時期,作為最先實現體制轉軌和最早進入國際市場競爭的紡織業開始受到一系列問題的困擾:生產能力持續嚴重過剩、國有紡織企業盈利能力下降、行業持續虧損。

From 2002 , the bond market was very prosperous , and the interest of bond decreased rapidly , while when it came into june the market began to be calmed down , there was a deep change in the long and middle term bond , and the huge fluctuation of stock market in such a short time made us reconsider the situation of stock market 2002年以來,我國債市場行情異常火爆,債券利率迅速走低,進入6月份后市場突然降溫,中長期債券深幅調整,市場在短期內的巨幅波動令人深思,市場是否客觀反映了我國債市場現狀也值得研究。

Based on the systematic analysis of present production of pastoral animal husbandry , natural conditions , and social economic reality in sunitezuo banner , xilinguole league , the middle term developmental plan was made in order to provide the scientific basis for the sustainable development of pastoral animal husbandry in this banner 本文從可持續發展的角度,對錫林郭勒盟蘇尼特左旗草原畜牧業目前的生產現狀進行全面、系統分析和研究的基礎上,根據其自然環境條件和經濟社會發展的實際情況,為其草原畜牧業近中期的發展做了科學規劃。

Using the data of these nhtidzs from 1992 to 2001 , paying attention to those index reflecting the industrial level and ability , we establish an evaluating item system , and rank the 53 zones by three different methods in long and middle term , analysis some special phenomenon in this thesis . the three methods are : ahp ( analytic hierarchy process ) , topsis ( technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution ) and rsr ( rank sum ratio ) 本文利用全國53家高新區1992年至2001年間的各項經濟指標,側重選擇反映高新區產業化水平及能力的相關指標和經濟發展指標,利用分層分析法、 topsis法、秩和比法三種不同的方法,分長期、中期兩個時限,對全國高新區進行了排序,并對一些有代表性的現象進行了分析。

In the profile , it is often made of one to two environment elements , which indicates a progradation or regression . the sand developed in this stage is equal to single sandbody which is the smallest scale for correlating between wells . middle term cycle is related to an obvious water changing 在中長期基準面低位處,儲層大都發育較好,砂體厚度、展布面積均較大,物性相對較好,層間夾層較薄;而在中長期基準面較低位置處,則出現相反的儲層特征。

In the other hand the chinese certification bodies should optimize their structure , develop effective middle term and long - term strategy , create their own distinguished brand image , and expand to new market for their certificates 在中國認證機構方面,應加強企業發展戰略設計,向規模化和專業化發展,樹立本機構的獨特的品牌形象,采用多樣化的競爭戰略,建立與大型企業的合作,開發新的認證技術,并加強國際合作,在適當的時機向周邊國家輻射。

The research result shows that this physical model is useful to determine the locked area along plate boundary faults and further to make the long term and middle term earthquake prediction 研究結果表明,運用該模型方法可利用大地測量數據確定沿板塊邊界斷層帶的相對閉鎖區,從而進行中長期地震預報。

In the studying zone , one long term cycle , 6 middle term cycles and 27 short term cycles was identified and correlated . base on the correlation 在非均質模式與油氣動用狀況分析基礎上,研究了基準面旋回對油氣動用狀況和剩余油分布的控制作用。

Capital market consists of stock market , corporate bond market and long and middle term credit market 資本市場包括股票市場、企業債券市場和銀行中長期信貸市場。

Study on alternative grey models to forecast middle term electric power consumption 幾種灰色模型用于電力消費中期預測研究

Middle term prediction and time selection of open diversion channel closure 中期預報與截流時間選擇

Make and report a long and middle term business plan 制定并匯報公司中長期業務計劃。